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Small Monsters




Latin name: Vermis Fervens Candentis


No worries with worms in the house. They feed themselves on small insects.

Super for people who don't like small spiders, mosquitoes etc.

The white ones are night specialists, glowing in the dark, they always have a light and never get lost.


latin name: Parvus Boare Ramus: Small sSream Branch


The small Screamers, like the ones here on the picture, are really annoying. They scream at the tone that you have a annoying beep in the ears and dogs start to cry. So often we catch a few and put them in a test tube just to be save.

The small ones can get around 15 cm but the most we catch are around 9 or 11 cm. 

At this length they already scream so loud that they're easy to find.


The large Screamers can scream so loud that it hurts. Worst case: You can even get deaf! These ones get around 1.40 /1.50 meter and have arms, so that they can climb. This makes it really difficult to catch them alive.


The  big ones are also very aggressive and bite. That is why we have to take sometimes drastic measures.


We want to make a decent picture of a Large Screamer but we have to find out how to protect the camera.

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