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Garden Brownies

I have spotted last summer a Garden Brownie!!!! And that during the day. Normally they're cleaning up the gardens in the night...Think, he liked the fresh mowed lawn...

Autumn 2014: A different Garden Brownie shows that there is probably a colony living in the surrounding. Again during the day, really strange.

This one looked annoyed. The leaves scattered all around made it look messy. So when he left, we cleaned it up. That certainly made him feel better.


Garden Brownies


Garden Brownies are very shy but lovely creatures. They are around 30 cm tall and have a weight around  1.5 kilo. This is a very lightweight and strong monster. 

Their strength is needed for all the work they carry out in the garden. They really like to maintain the garden, clean up leaves, mowing the lawn etc. If you may have a lavender in your garden, then they will never leave. Well on the moment that it blossoms, because they get high from the smell of the flowers. Just have a look once in a while, if one is lying stoned underneath it.

They're quite nosy as well about what is going on in the garden and neighbourhood.


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