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Butt Biter


We searched for a long time, knew about his existence, but never seen him in real life.

And then one day, there he was!

The Butt Biter is not as cute as he looks. He bites butts! And if he bites in a posterior, he leaves a bloody mess.
Everything with a butt he bites, that means also us humans. So beware, when you want to leave your faeces in nature behind!
B.t.w. sometimes not only the butt gets bitten, my college had him hanging on another part of his body.......don't free pee!!

Butt Biters are very small creatures, around 10 cm. However, if you would run over it and he's squashed, the diameter would be around 36 cm.

This is because their legs, around 12 cm, 

are quite long.


They have a small armoured body that can handle a lot. Even a cow can stand on them for a while and they are still alive!

Well not so vivid anymore, but alive.

We know, they live in small groups of 4 or 5.

So don't think if you see one, you could do your thing in nature, there are always more!

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