Did you know that:
A Boggart is a real creature!
The name is often used in English folklore for a household spirit or an evil protective spirit of a place.
The Boggart in for example Harry Potter is a shape shifter.
Because of their shape-shifting ability, no one knows how a Boggart looks like when it is alone, as it instantly changes into your worst fears when you first see it.
Others write about Boggarts as dark shadowy figures, that are visible only to those with the gift to see spirits. They gather in places where death and destruction are threatening.
Another famous Boggart is the one in The Spiderwick Chronicles.
This Boggart is normally a Brownie, but when you not threat him how you should, he turns into a Boggart. Then he can for example hide household items like keys or that one pen, you are sure that you left it on that place just a minute ago..
Or it is always that one sock missing when you want to fold your laundry. Or that shitty phone, which is always hidden under a pile of papers or on the bottom of a bag where, you can't see or feel it. And so you always have to call yourself to find your phone..... recognizable?
Well, that's the Boggart/ Brownie who lives in our house.
I can't be angry at our house brownie who is most of the time a Boggart. He has a good reason to behave like he does, because it's always a big mess in our house.
But we always have honey and that's like a peace offer.
What is by the way a Brownie?
Brownies are very friendly creatures who live in houses, where they help with tasks in and around the house.
Know they will only work at night. Traditionally they work in exchange for small gifts or food. Among food, they especially enjoy porridge and honey.
So a good suggestion is to clean your house if you're always missing things then you get your Brownie back!
and..... don't forget the honey!!
We even found some Garden Brownies !
They're really helpful in the garden.
Not so long ago there were a few cats from the neighbours pooping and pissing everywhere. Then one day there were no cats, no poops and I didn't smell the piss...
Later I found something furry with bones... and I was always thinking Garden Brownies where vegetarians!
Cats now avoid our garden and the Garden Brownies keep it still nice and tidy.