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 The Latin name: Parvus Lapis Edere literally means the small stone eater. Here in Switzerland they're known as Bürgi. 

They are not so easy to find, but what we know about this species is, that they live most often in mountain areas and their favourite thing to eat is granite.

Their children go after birth their own way. 

Unfortunately the most of them don't have a long life.

After approximately 1 week the most of them fall off the mountain where they live on. Because they don't have enough power and teeth to bite themselves into the stones yet. Not to forget, that climbing with only one arm and hand is very difficult. We also think the thermo frost has lots to do with it. 


The most chance for them to survive is simple luck. If the mother gives birth to 2 or 3 Bürgis on a cliff, they probably don't make it a day. If they are born on a tableland the chance of survival is much bigger. 

Stone eaters are fully grown after

2 months and get around 4 to 6 years old.






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